6 Best Career Lessons I've Learned From Completing 8 30-Day Challenges

In 2016, I committed to 12 30-Day Challenges, a different one for each month, and to make myself follow through, I announced it to the world.

Now here I am, more than halfway through, having tackled eight challenges: I’ve worked out every day, I’ve read The New Yorker every day, I’ve challenged myself to cook dinner every day, I’ve taken pictures every day, I’ve called a friend every day, I’ve enjoyed a spend-free month, I’ve challenged myself to journal daily, and right now, in my ninth month, I’m playing piano every day – something I haven’t done since I was a kid. And I am truly loving it!

While there are still three months to go, I’ve learned enough from these personal challenges that it’s already resonating in my career. And while I’m sure I have a lot of lessons still to come, here are the six that are already changing how I approach my life. 

Lauren Laitin